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Harry’s Launches New Subscription Shaving Brand For Women

October 16, 2018: 12:00 AM EST

Flamingo is a new shaving subscription service launched by Harry’s, developed by its internal innovation unit, Harry’s Labs, and aimed at women. Leading the brand are Allie Melnick and Brittania Boey, who were both at Harry’s when it launched in 2013. It will compete with brands including Angel Shave Club.  Flamingo razors use the same blade technology as Harry’s, but are designed with female shaving needs in mind. The shaving gel is a formulation designed to soothe the skin. Other items under the brand include a dual exfoliating and moisturizing body lotion, and waxing kits for body and face.[Image Credit: © Harry's, Inc.]
Rachel King , "Harry's Labs Launches Flamingo, a New Brand Specifically for Women's Hair Care and Grooming", Fortune.com, October 16, 2018, © Time Inc.
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